Welshot Do Iceland Again – 2015 – They return
It is pretty much unbelievable that this time last week we were boarding Easyjet flight EZY 1805. None of us really knew what to expect from this years trip. Previous years had been similar in nature and in locations we visited, using the capital, Reykjavik, as the base from where all excursions departed.
This year it was more of a road trip. None of us really knew where we were staying and where we were going!!!
All I can say is Aron Reynisson did us proud. From the location of our first meal,which in true Welshot tradition, included Chips with the most tastiest fish (in a very nice light batter) to the very final meal in Reykjavik which was just brilliant (steak done properly - Rare!!). The scenery in between theses gastronomic delights wasn't bad either!!
Joan and Ted Reece proved yet again what troopers they really are. Nothing proved too difficult for them. Eirian did a great job of rallying the troops to help out when it was necessary. Even in conditions as below.....

photo courtesy of Ian J Fox.
We worked out when Joan was going to fall over or had fallen because she gave out the most delightful giggle which was usually followed by a "Whoopsie Daisy"

Joan Reece, Giggling away and cosy in the snow
From the outset the true Welshot spirit kicked in. We all helped each other out get the best from the experience. Kris and Eirian were brilliant as the Welshot leads. I know Lee & Eifion were quite worried about not being with us, they needn't have, we were all is safe hands. Aron also did the rounds checking up on us, making sure we didn't put ourselves in (too) much danger.
First night luck again with the Aurora, giving the newcomers Robert Cragg and Anneka Davies their first tastes of an Icelandic Aurora light show.

photography courtesy of Kris Williams
Second day, the highlight was seeing Kris' photograph on display at Uriddafoss.

Proud Kris Williams at his photograph on display for the whole world to see. Pic courtesy of Eirian Parry
the off-roading. Our mission to get to a outlet glacier.

Cosy seating whilst off-roading
Conditions (as previous images show) were miserable near the glacial outcrop, but we soldiered on.
This was also the day Eirian and myself decided to mix our vodka drinks with Skittles and created our new Welshot drink, it gives you the warmth of the vodka, but the sugar rush from hell!!!!

Vodka skittle mix, pic courtesy of Eirian Parry
Day 3, another Glacier and another Aurora (ish)
Wow, was the word of the day. The glacier we visited the day before also caused us to use the same word but this one was double WOW!!
The above image is an outlet Glacier panorama, with our host Aron Reynisson in action.
We then had a quite tough-ish hike to find the "black waterfall". The pathway was mostly up hill and frequently covered in ice / frozen snow or sodden black mud. Ian did his mountain goat routine marching off up the hill at speed. We asked him how he did this, his response was a classic.....
"I stomp like a terminator that just wants a shit"
Both Eirian and myself just howled laughing.

Skaftafell, the black waterfall
Other highlights of the day, the Church at Hof and our first visit to Jökulsárlón.

The Church at Hof
Panorama of the Jökulsárlón Glacial Lagoon.
One of my final shots for the third day, a cloudy aurora.....

Cloudy Aurora
Fourth day highlights, the beach, the eclipse and ice caves.
We got stuck twice in the van on this day, but it added to the adventures we were having. Aron showed what a truly exceptional driver he really is and that even the best drivers can't always get away with pushing a vehicle to its limits.

a local farmer gets us out of a rut!!
The van survived though to carry us to our destinations .....

Sunrise at Jökulsárlón beach

Sunrise at Jökulsárlón beach

the peak of the eclipse

Aron inside the Black Hole icecave

Aron checks out the main icecave for safety

Inside the icecave

Reindeer near Stokksnes
The final full day....
The beautiful canyon Fjaòrárgljúfur......




The church at Vik

"Voyage" on the beach
The return to Reykjavik...... (previous years photo's)
And so to the goodbye, we left pretty early the next day to get back to Keflavik where our adventures began.
A short delay, but we were amused as we thought we had met Richie Roberts' brother from another mother!!!!
I've since spoke to Richie and he denies all knowledge!!
...... And so to goodbye to (N)Iceland.
flying back to the UK
Thanks to all who made this trip so exceptional...... in no particular order......
Aron Reynisson - Absolutely brilliant photographer / driver /guide & a new best Icelandic friend !!!
Kris Williams & Eirian Parry - Brilliant Welshot hosts, always up for a laugh (and drink!!)
Ian Fox - Excellent person to room with, even though we did keep each other awake with the snoring!! Just make sure he gets his tea in the morning!!
Sue Emery - "The Vegetarian", or as in the restaurants "Is it you whose different?" - Great, friendly and loves a drink!!!
Joan & Ted Reece - The "Troopers" no matter what was thrown at them they gave it a go!! Simply inspirational !!
Robert Cragg - The "Twitcher", he loved his birds of the feathered kind!! Very knowledgeable and great to listen to.
Anneka Davies - The "Newbie", quiet at first but OMG, the fun & mischievous Anneka came out when the Vodka started to flow!! { Cockgate 😉 }
Dan Santillo - Great as usual, so knowledgeable in the field of Landscapes, plus loves a drink !!!!
Once back home, there was only one way I was going to relax.......

a hot jacuzzi and a well earned screwdriver!!!
See you next year Iceland !!!!!!!
Welshot Do Iceland Again – 2015 – Day 5
The Final day of our trip. In the last four days we had travelled all the way from our landing point in Keflavik to the very end of the Southern coast in Stokksnes. Our hotel near Jökulsárlón was the beginning of our slow (-ish) ride back to the bright lights of Reykjavik.
First stop was labelled as a "beautiful canyon" by Aron. I think he undersold it, it was really beautiful. Kind of similar to the Fairy Glen in Wales, but a little wider but just as picturesque. It's a shame the sky was so flat as I can imagine some great lighting can hit this place.
Everybody seemed to start wandering up the hill to the top of the canyon. Erian and myself stayed at the bottom and found a great little pathway which led us down into the canyon, where the viewpoint was just spectacular.
We walked a little further up the hill and found another viewpoint where we could look down and along into the canyon.
I decided to carry on up the hill to get to the top. Several heart attacks later and after shedding my body weight in sweat I reached the top, where no less than three waterfalls converged forming the stream that flowed through the canyon.
As I had already stayed on top for too long, I made my way back down the hill at the side of the canyon. If I haven't lost weight on this trip someone is really going to suffer!!
We left the canyon and started to make our way over to the picturesque town of Vik.
This is a place we visited last year. So I only took a few shots. Mainly a view of the church and a new artistic installation commemorating the bond of sea trading between Iceland and the UK. A similar installation was created and placed in Kingston upon Hull.
It's very Gormley-esque, but it's been created by sculptress Steinnun Thorarinsdottir. It was commissioned thirty years after the ending of the last cod wars and to those whose lives have been lost to the hostile waters of the North Atlantic.
Apparently within a year, the version in Hull was ripped down and stolen!! Welcome to Great Britain, Icelanders!! I hope the people responsible have been caught and suitably punished.
From here we ventured just around the corner for some lunch at a beach restaurant at Reynisfjara.
Here a basalt outcrop shows off all it's splendour. Pity about the bloody American "glee" club that seemed to think the whole world wanted to take pictures of them sat on the basalt columns. I wished author had sent a bolt of lightening just at the right time when they started singing in the cave!!
Next stop was back to another old haunt, Dyrholaey.
Again we went to a slightly different area than to where we went the previous year. We went a little higher on the cliffs to the lighthouse.
Here you could get a great viewpoint of the sea arches beneath the cliffs.
Boy it was windy up there. Our cameras got battered as did we!! Even the birds struggled to reach their nesting grounds...
Just on leaving Dyrholaey, we passed a lake on the left of the road, Aron slammed on the breaks and pointed to a very rare sight indeed. A pair of Black swans were just going about their daily routine. Robert (an avid ornithologist) was so excited. We thought the spotting of a Sea Bunting at Jökulsárlón beach made his trip, but this was just the icing on the cake!!
I actually took my last photograph (with my DSLR) at Dyrholaey. I knew the next stops I'd been to, so I planned on just using my iPhone.
Final stop before Reykjavik was Skógafoss, the iconic waterfall. Whilst the rest of the togs went off to shoot images, we got the vodka out. Erian took this lovely pic whilst I tried my best at walking on water!!
We managed to grab a nice shot of the waterfall reflection though.....
It was a little too busy for me, hence the reason for the vodka and just the iPhone shots. I don't really think I could have beaten the shots I got from the last trips....
So on to Reykjavik we went. It was great being back in the capital.
I was photo'd out so on to the bar we went which led on to dinner and then back to the bar and eventually bed.
Welshot Do Iceland Again – 2015 – Day 4
Fire and Ice, Eclipse & getting stuck!
Well it's here, the day where the Sun disappears and seemingly all hell breaks loose because the moon gobbles up the sun. It was an early start to the day as we wanted to catch the sunrise and icebergs down at Jökulsárlón beach.
There were already a few photographers down the beach when we arrived. Aron knew the best spot for us to claim as our own. The sun had already begun to show signs of rising at about 4:30am with the sky a mixture of red and burnt orange.
As soon as we hit the beach we went our separate ways claiming our icebergs and viewpoints.
Just before the Sun decided to eventually wake up, the colour of the sky changed and across the other side of the road, the white mountains were transformed with the most glorious pinky / blue hue.
It wasn't until about 7:30 that the sun showed itself above the horizon. A frenzy of photography followed trying to get the ice looking as though it was on fire. I have to admit, I was left a little speechless at the whole experience, a perfect way to start a day!! I even realised how lazy of a photographer I am!! (Yep I've admitted it!)
After the Icebergs were well and truly "in the bag", we returned to the hotel to pick up those who wanted a lie in and took in some breakfast. Well, we tried to return, Aron unfortunately managed to get the van marooned on the soft black volcanic sand. We tried to get the vehicle released, but the more we tried the further it dug itself into the sand. We had to wait until a friend of his brought a suitable vehicle to get us out.
We returned out to the beach soon after breakfast. The eclipse had just started when we left the hotel. We wanted to be on the beach again, so that's where we headed.
None of knew what to expect, true the light started to dip. The sun started looked like pac-man. We set up our cameras, with the knowledge that it was possible our cameras might get damaged if we exposed them too long to the sun light. I changed my battery as the camera indicated it needed changing and promptly put a fresh one in. What could go wrong?
Just as the eclipse got to about the expected 95%, my camera just switched itself off. I was also aware of another photographer walking past me.The battery was fine for all of two seconds, even though the camera said it had full charge. I took the battery out, put it back in and it worked - I grabbed a few images, but in the meantime, the photographer who walked past had walked right into my shot, you can imagine the names I called him!
I quickly changed lenses so I could at least get a sun in eclipse.
On the final image of the eclipse, the camera died again. It was so strange, could it really be the end of the world approaching?? I began to pack up my stuff. Just as I was zipping up my bag, I heard someone question "Finished?", I looked up and was the ignorant fecker of a tog almost insisting he has my space on the beach, I just slowly zipped up my bag, looked at him firmly and retorted "I'm finished when I've walked away pal, and while we're at it, have some respect for your fellow photographers, you ignorant f*@£wit". I told him what he had done. He was clearly shocked someone dared to have a go. He beggared off quite swiftly. I really wanted to hit him with my three legged thing (tripod) but I refrained.
From the beach we went back to the Jökulsárlón lagoon, but a slightly different location from that of the day before. My mission here was to get a shot of the seals that frequent the ice. Unfortunately time was tight here and the seals had retreated to the far side of the lagoon.
As time was tight, I decided to abandon the seal hunt and return to the bus.
The next stop on the agenda was Breidermerkurjökel. Another outlet glacier but with the added bonus of Ice Caves. It's something I'd always wanted to do, just to experience the Ice from within it's mass.
We couldn't get the bus all the way to the glacier, so we went as far as we could and started to hike the rest of the way.
I know we said to Lee before we left, that we wouldn't put ourselves in any danger, but.......
Aron did say the caves were closed a couple of days before as they couldn't guarantee the stability. Aron checked it out and said if we went in one by one, but not hang around, it would be fine. So some of us did, and OMG we weren't disappointed.
Here's a short clip Aron shot.....
Once finished at the caves we began our hike back to the bus. Everything was great until we started our journey back on the bus. It's fair to say we did go a little off road, but at one point the bus just couldn't make it back up the hill track where a small stream was running down it. The wheels just churned up the ground until only three wheels of the bus were actually on the ground but well bedded into the track, the fourth was just suspended in mid air.
Aron had to call for help, the second time in one day!! It all added to the adventure and gave us chance for coffee and vodka!!!
After all of the fun of the off-roading and getting stuck, we made our way over to the furthest point on our South Coast trip. The destination was Stokksnes, somewhere Kris Williams always wanted to visit. It was clear why. Whisky Black Sand Dunes leading to a spectacular mountain view.
From here we had more vodka ( well it was cold ), made a few friends on the road back from the beach.....
Sue had said earlier she hoped she had the chance to photograph the Icelandic horses. So that was another tick in a wish list done!!
Then made our way back to our hotel (we did stop for dinner first). By the time we got back to the hotel, we were so tired we all just went to bed!!
Welshot Do Iceland Again – 2015 – Day 3
Today was all about glaciers and icebergs and possible ice caves. So the first stop today was Svinafellsjökel an outlet glacier.
Just the sheer size of this huge ice flow took your breath away. I always remember from our previous trips to Iceland, our guide told us how there was something quite spiritual about glaciers and this place just proved him right. From the blue colour of the ice, to the silence that swept over the glacier. You could literally hear the ice cracking or moaning under the strain of pressure.
Once we had recovered from our delight at the glacier, we carried on just around the corner to Skaftafell home of the Svartifoss or the "Black" waterfall.
Getting to the waterfall was no mean feat. The short hike up the valley wasn't without its fair share of climbs and obstacles. Part of the pathway was thick in sheet ice / frozen snow. I very gingerley walked over over the slippery stuff with Eirian keeping a watchful eye on where I was placing my feet. It was pretty scary for me not being an avid hiker or snow lover!
The view at the end of the hike was worth it though...
Bare in mind the walk down to the above view so it was fare to say I was bricking myself walking back up, but I did it and felt so much better for it.
We stopped for a quick tea break (vodka break) at the Skaftafell visitors centre, after which we made our way to our next stop, the Glacial lagoon at Jökulsárlón.
We did manage a small unscheduled stop. Joan wanted to see the Church at Hof (Hofskirkja).
On to Jökulsárlón. Aron took us to a part of the lagoon that not many people go to. As with most attractions in Iceland, they get very busy and this was one of the more popular stop offs for photographers. So Aron's knowledge of the area served us well, we got a part of the lagoon to ourselves.
Here icebergs that were once part of the glacier start making their way down to the ocean front.
We left the lagoon to go to the beach front to see where the broken off icebergs eventually end up...
..... and that was it for our activities for the day, we made our way to the hotel where we would be staying for the next two nights.
After dinner we did get an aurora show, but it was pretty muted by clouds (well until 4:30am - but I didn't stay up, I was drunk!!)
Due to the nature of Internet connections, there may not be another update until we get home. This days post took the best part of two days to post. Apologies.
Welshot Do Iceland Again – 2015 – Day 2
Well, after day 1 (a very long day!!) we started off at 9:30am. The sun had already risen when we set off, so no sun rise pictures today. To be honest we were glad of the sleep in after the previous night (aurora frenzy!!)
First stop was a waterfall / glacier river we stopped off at last year, Uriddafoss.
We were actually really surprised that the area had been made health and safety friendly, we couldn't get down to the central island this time. Kris was made up though, the Icelandic authorities had used one of his images from last year to publicise the area. A sign had been erected, with his image and his name for all the world to see!!
Next stop was near Seljalandsfoss (one of the most iconic waterfalls). We didn't stay here today (well not at this time), we swapped vehicles and left all of our worldly goods behind us (in the trailer) and swapped to a proper off road vehicle. No mardy 4x4 for us, this was a proper ford big begger that stopped at nothing. Our destination was a glacier near Þórsmörk (Gigjokull). Getting there was more fun than a ride at Alton Towers. Aron, drove us quite capably across the lava field / Ice field / frozen rivers / non frozen rivers. It was scary at times but so much fun.
Our destination was the Gigjokull glacier. We all had some fun river hopping to get to it, but we all did it and in true Welshot spirit we helped all to get there.
The weather wasn't that great and we were stuck to shoot things so Joan very graciously agreed to model for us, we were going to do off camera flash - but I forgot the flashes!!
We did a bit more off roading ...
Lunch was at the Volcano Huts, around the Þórsmörk area.
We then made our way back to the off road vehicle pick up point near Seljalandsfoss. We walked the full wall of waterfalls.
Then it was back to the hotel. The weather today, to be fair, was very poor. We got hit with everything, hence the lack of images. On the way to the hotel, myself and Eirian decided to experiment with Icelandic Vodka and skittles!! The result...........
Welshot Do Iceland Again – 2015 – Day 1
Well the North Welshot team touched down around 10:15 am, soon followed by the Southern team (Dan & Anneka) who landed about 10 mins after us. It was nicely timed as we met each other in the arrivals bit of the airport.
Aron met us at the airport and directed us to our mode of transportation. From there it was a quick trip into Keflavik town for a well deserved Welshot Fish and Chip lunch.
After lunch we headed to our first photographic adventure, the lighthouses at Gardsskaga. It was a quaint little place full of coastal charm and millions of blinking insects, whilst they didn't bite they certainly put you off setting up your tripod!! We managed to get a few shots!!
From here we ventured to the Krisuvik geothermal area. The force of nature here was immense, as was the smell of sulphur. Mother Nature at her finest!
From here, we thought we were on our holidays as Aron said lets go to the beach!! Hmmm, it ain't no Tenerife beach, but it was refreshing!! A great place to settle down for a few hours of photography. Unfortunately the weather closed in and it started to Snow / Hail / Rain, call it what you will but eventually we got some images. Even if it was a rainbow over a lighthouse!!
We came for different colours in the sky though. So after the beach stop, we made our way over to our hotel in Selfoss. On the way, we knew the solar activity had given us a good chance of an aurora. It didn't disappoint.
And so to the end of Day 1!!!
Apologies for the lateness, blame the Vodka on Day 1!!!
Day 2 coming soon (-ish)
Pixelstick is here!!
I originally saw an advert for Pixelstick about this time last year. The hardware is the genius of BitBanger labs in the U.S. and the whole project was funded on the kickstarter website. Over 2000 people supported the project and the finally the finished hardware is here and ready to use!!
I just thought it would be a fun thing to have and a great addition to use on the odd occasion when I help out my good friends at Welshot Imaging. We plan on using it for their next low light photography evening in Manchester. More details of this event can be found here.
There's only so much waving of flash lights and L.E.Ds you can do before light painting becomes a little bit boring, with Pixelstick, a whole new dimension of light painting is possible. Pixelstick allows you to light paint using pictures, shapes and when combined with movement and a long camera exposure, creates a light projection in your image on camera.
Simple Windows bitmap images (24 bit BMP) can be loaded into the hardware by SD card and from there its a relatively painless procedure to paint your image. You simply use the controller to select the image and then set your camera to bulb mode, hit the shutter button and then move to your starting position (so much easier if someone else does this bit!). Simply press the FIRE button on the Pixelstick controller and start to walk across the image or spin the pixelstick.
The images below are tests, forgive me these were done on my own so they aren't very good but they give an idea of what can be achieved.
Its simple to use, but you really do need some help using the hardware as it becomes a bit much doing all the setup and motion yourself. Its also about 6ft in height when assembled so sufficient space to use the hardware is required. Learning to get the motion speed correctly also takes a few goes, but it soon becomes second nature.
I'll post more images once I've really got the hang of how to use it properly, but I'm quite impressed. Whether or not its a fad only time will tell, but it does allow some fun to come back into photography.
More information on Pixelstick can be found here.
Day 3.5 (and Day 4.1) – Iceland Trip 2014
Well as promised here is the Day 3.5 update. A bit late, apologies for that - but I'll blame the weekend and the catching up pints with mates down the pub !!
Day 3 continues after the ordeal with our Monster truck (See post 3 for more of that). The crew all emerged unscathed from the ice hole debacle. We proceeded to get our kit out and setup, ready to see just what was causing all that smoke / steam rising across the wintery landscape.
As we looked across the snow and ice, large plumes of steam were being emitted by what looked like a left over piece of the Star Wars set. The geo-thermal plants basically take nature's raw materials, i.e. hot water and allow the Icelandic residents to enjoy free hot water.
We decided we weren't quite close enough, we wanted to experience the sheer force of these plants. Its not until you stand more or less next to them that you realise just how powerful Mother Nature can be. The noise was unbelievable.
We decided to give our ears a rest and move a little further down the road to an area where similar vents were located but were currently inactive.
At this point Lee decided she was going to do her best Julie Andrews impression and started to dance in the snow.....
The area was quite strange. Outbreaks of Lava rock, covered in quite thick green moss. An eerie silence spread across the landscape, apart from the brutal wind.
We left this area and decided to go to the beach, probably a bit daft in the middle of winter but the soft sand was no match for our monster trucks....
This is where we decided to stay for sunset. It was wet & windy and I was a bit tired as well so I just had a wander in the dunes. The light faded pretty quickly but here are the final pics of the day......
Due to the memory card issue, some of the first images from Day 4 have also gone amiss.
Day 4 started off with a early morning (7:45-ish) start and we headed out in search of waterfalls. First stop was Urridafoss. Not many people seem to know about this set of falls. It was a great place to start the day. Even though the wind was being quite kind to us, the spray off this river / falls caused quite a few problems for the filter users.
Second stop of the day was a location we visited the previous year, Skógafoss.
Last year I quite sensibly stayed on the lower level of the fall near the rivers edge. This year I stupidly climbed the quite steep pathway (and several staircases) to the top. It almost f-ing killed me!! I thought I was relatively fit (yep I know I look a bit like Peter Kay, but I still thought I could manage it - I did but it was close!!)
Here's the view from the top....
and from down below.......
The rest of the day continues in the Day 4 post..... http://www.paddyyates.co.uk/blog/?p=555
Day 9 – Iceland Trip 2014
Well the final full day in Iceland has come and gone. It was a bit more relaxed than usual. I managed to get in a good nine hours sleep. Our 'day' of photography wasn't going to start until 4pm.
Most of us spent the day relaxing and having a good mooch around the shops of Reykjavik.
Once 4pm came, we boarded the 'Gusti' fun bus. We made our way over to one of the Southern beaches that we had visited on the first week.
First stop was what James Farley described as a "Fish Graveyard". The Fish are hung out to dry on racks and left for weeks on end until ready. Not entirely sure what for, but I wouldn't like to sample them.
Second stop was a quaint church. I haven't a clue where it was.
Third stop was the beach. We photographed this last week. It may well have been on day 3. This was a small shack or roof of an old shack. I'd spotted it last time we were here, but that was when we were leaving for the day, so it was too late to shoot it.
We then moved on to our dinner destination. Where we recharged our bellies ready for the night ahead.
After dinner we made our way into Pingvillier national park, where we hoped for a good show of the Northern Lights.
It started off quite weak at first, but it soon developed into the standard green arc across the sky, with a bit of other colours thrown in for good measure.
To finish off the night we stopped by yet another church. However due to it's location it was heavily affected by light pollution. This is the best shot I got in the time we had.
.... and that was it. Our nine days in Iceland had come to an end. Its 4:17am in the morning and I have to stay up as I don't want a repeat of last year when I overslept and almost missed the transfer back to the airport.
It's been a great trip. Wouldn't have missed it for the world. Every single person who was involved in this trip have been so fantastic and I can't thank them all enough for the wonderful time they gave me. We've had a good few laughs and drunken experiences, but I think its safe to say, a good time was had by all.
Special thanks to Agust Karason for all the safe driving he did and getting to all the various places over the course of the nine days.
Special thanks also to Hrefna Osk Benediktsdottir & Ymir Bjorgvin Arthursson for being our ever faithful guides and gourmet providers.
Big massive special thanks to Richie Roberts & Kris Williams for doing all the leg work and Aurora predicting.
Also Big massive special thanks to Lee Iggulden and Eifion Williams for dreaming up Welshot and providing us with great adventures.
I promise to do day 3.5 soon !!
Day 8 – Iceland Trip 2014
Today was a bit more of a relaxed affair. We set off pretty early to capture a sunrise, as we had not really captured one so far on our trips. Our day was described as the blue lagoon trip, as that is where we would eventually end up later in the day. We made quite a few stops on the way.
First stop was the frozen lake Kleifarvatn. The shore of the lake was thick volcanic sand (black), however the shoreline was completely frozen. Some of the ice platforms had cracked and formed various shapes and structures, that the unfrozen water either flowed underneath or moved the platforms around.
A beautiful place to stop. I normally would stick around the group in these areas however for some reason I just had the urge to go off and do my own thing. Alan Santillo would have been proud of me today, very few HDR shots taken here, they just didn't work too well so I used my Lee filters.
We moved from the shore to a little bay around the corner where it was evident just how cold the water and temperatures must have been recently. The waves on the lake had actually frozen...
We took a minute or two to take a few shots of the frozen waves and then made our next stop at Seltun, a bubbling area of hot mud pools and steam vents etc. When the steam rose from these pools the taste of sulphur was pretty foul. I was unlucky enough to yawn just at the wrong moment.
From Seltun, we made our way around to a small fishing harbour called Grindavik. We made a quick comfort break and then proceeded to drive along a coastal road following the harbour wall defences. Here we were shown the remains of various fishing vessels that had been damaged in storms. the force of the water had driven the boats right over on to the shore.
We wandered around the coastal path looking at the wreckages and trying not to stumble over on the large rocks around the them. The walk eventually took us to the lighthouse.
Apologies for not getting a better image of the lighthouse, but some TWONK actually parked his car right in front of the building (the large rock hides it). Given he was also a photographer and saw all the Welshot crew taking shots didn't bother him.
After the lighthouse we drove a little more down the coastal road / path to where the remains of old houses are located. At first we didn't think it would be a place of too much interest, but we were wrong we could have spent a good few hours.
The TWONK also followed us to this location. The cheeky git even followed us around to see what shots we were getting. So I just very calmly walked in front of his shot on more than one occasion, and I just may have had my fingers in the reverse 'V' sign in one of them!!
From here we left Grindavik and headed over to the Blue Lagoon. One of Iceland's most popular tourist spots and probably one of the most expensive. I didn't relish the thought of paying to swim / bathe in the expelled water of the nearby power station. A few others also didn't, so we headed for the bar and had a few pints of Gull to finish off the trip on a happy ending.
Gaynor, Phil, Sue, Gill, Rob, Joan and Ted did do their bit for the group. They all looked very healthy and a good few years younger after smearing the clay over their faces.
Final day tomorrow, hopefully a good chance of the Aurora as well.